Port forwarding not working! (Arris BGW210-700) - Google

Port forwarding not working! (Arris BGW210-700) - Google Hey everyone. I've been using Soulseek and forwarding ports to make it work for many years. Just moved into a new place, and I have a new modem and a new ISP. I cannot for the life of me get the ports open. This modem doesn't even have anything called "port forwarding" but rather "NAT/Gaming." Port Forwarding - Arris - WTM552 (Arris Firmware Nov 15, 2019

Jun 20, 2017

Apr 08, 2013

How to Set Up Port Forwarding on a Router (with Pictures)

Soulseek ports By default, Nicotine-Plus uses ports 2234 as a 'listen port'. Other Soulseek clients also use this port by default. If you have more than one client running, the next port, 2235, will be tried, and so on. If you wish, you can change the default port in Settings->Server. How to Enable Port Forwarding on my Router and Windows Jun 20, 2017