Nov 12, 2018
Bringing the Thunder: The 155mm Howitzer of World War I May 08, 2018 Shellshock Shell-shock was brought about in many ways; loss of sleep, continually being under heavy shell fire, the torment of the lice, irregular meals, nerves always on end, and the thought always in the man's mind that the next minute was going to be his last. (4) Philip Gibbs was a … Shell (projectile) - Wikipedia
Apr 06, 2019
Sep 22, 2014 Artillery Shell for sale | eBay
Apr 06, 2019
WW1 Trenches: The Heart of Battle - History The machine gun was the most widely used weapon in world war one. The guns were very heavy and had to be supported on a tripod. They also required three or four men to operate them. The men in this picture are also wearing gas masks for protection against gas attacks. This article is part of our extensive collection of articles on the Great War. BBC - History - World Wars: World War One Movies